Tugas tujuan dan Manfaat membuat blog

Purpose of creating a blog

Self-ability can develop when we have a blog, such as the ability to write, the ability to understand technology and the like. This is very closely related to our development.

Blogs can make us more active to keep up with developments, especially in the digital world. Because, a blogger is required to keep abreast of developments, always willing to make new innovations.


Reasons for creating a blog

to teach people about one particular topic. For example, a blog that discusses "how to build a successful business" or "how to do search engine optimization (SEO)" is included in the education blog category.


 Hope to Create a Blog

My hope is simple, namely being able to share benefits for others, can also be useful for myself. What's more beautiful than useful for others? When we benefit and make others happy, their happiness can exceed our own expectations.


